Ellinopoula introduces its new series, “My Animal Friends”! The series offers a unique look at the early life and development of young animals, edited and narrated from their own viewpoint. Both educational and entertaining at the same time, children will learn how a beautiful butterfly gradually emerges from an egg, how sea lions survive from sharks and whales in the deep blue, and why owls like to hunt in pure darkness.
As children explore the wonders of animal life through these stories, their natural fascination will deepen into a true love and appreciation of animals. They will learn valuable life skills and develop and strengthen their own family ties, all while having fun and learning Greek.
This series explores behavior, traits, habits and lifestyles through a magical journey in the animal kingdom with unique footage capturing amazing moments in the life of animals. Children will learn that life can be challenging as animals don’t always live a peaceful life; they have to hunt to bring food to their young and be careful not to end up being food themselves. They fight for survival and territory and for finding a mate sometimes. Children will realize and appreciate the significance of striving and competing for survival.
Young viewers and their parents will be drawn into awesome adventures of stunning images revealing hidden worlds of action and beauty.